Saturday 9 April 2016

A public personal letter.

Hello Everyone,

I have noticed a number of people still viewing my original posts from long time ago, A big thank you to everyone who still views Entropia-Zine. Sorry this is not my usual format here on Entropia-Zine.

Entropia has been in my heart for a long long time, especially Calypso, for a while now I have only been able to get on in short bursts here and there thanks to my close friends with Entropia installed, and via the google play app on my phone. (They need to add a split/join stack function on that thing, but that's for another time.)

Talking about google play app...

"Available from May 10 2016, 10.00 UTC"

Only a month to go until I get to play it! Yay! Also have you seen about that online wedding going down on Arkadia on the signs? Oh and the robots invading the small rig, that could be the reason for the oil prices to going up from 104% to 108% since I have been away... Who knows? Anyway I am getting of topic...

Now I am back I am looking to restart where I left off once I get my footing in Entropia again. Since I have been away I have thought of new things that would make a good new additions to Entropia-Zine. I will keep everyone post of further Developments.

Thanks again to everyone,
   - Felix :3