News 2019
10 Years Analysis Of The Animal Oil Market
The current cost of construction is very low in almost all of the animal oil markets, and most of the commonly used animal oils have been very stable at a low cost for bulk amounts for years.

VU17: Tiering and enhancers update in December
In the upcoming update several changes and improvements will be made to the item tiering and enhancers systems to make it cheaper and easier to use.
VU17: Graphical update in December
The upcoming release scheduled for early December will include the biggest visual update since the switch to the CryEngine, this update will greatly improve processing of light and colours.
VU17: DirectX 10 fallback support
In one of the better decision MindArk has made since any of the graphical updates is the back support for systems with hardware not compatible with Direct X 11.
VU17: Gameplay Updates
Some less well known updates to the game play elements have been added in the version update along with the graphical update and the new tool tier system.
Codex Released and Shares Trading
Today the citizens were handed a new Codex system today containing information on the creatures they have killed, along with a new ranking system based on contribution.
Toxic Swamp Gas
The Calamusoids are a mutant species, reminiscence of the Omegaton Corporation's DNA testing on select immigrants to planet Calypso in the earlier eras.
Alien Creatures In Space Transport Crash On Calypso
A cargo ship was forced into making an emergency landing near west of Minopolis today with cargo which is deemed dangerous for the ecosystem by the Colonial Xenobiology Institute.
Update from the Colonial Xenobiology Institute
The Colonial Xenobiology Institute has reported on the update of the locations of the Daspletor and Cornoanterion that are slowly damaging the ecosystem.
With The Migration Season Over...
The Longtooth and the mighty Eomon have completed their voyage across the plains of the Eudorian continent on Calypso once again, and now many hunters will now return to their usual pray.
The New Mission System
This week MindArk announced that in this years third quarter there will be a massive mission system overhaul, implementing a whole new mission system.
Calypso Wildlife In A Violent Rage
For over a month now the planet’s creatures have been exposed to the potent Eomon pheromone, these pheromones are known by scientist to be strength inducing.
The Eomon And The Mul
Peak pheromone activity have been detected at the Calypso Defence Force monitoring stations at Oseres, Nymphtown and Fort Ithaca.
Catch up on 2019 (First Quarter)
Deep token project dropped by MindArk, Swedish loot box law changes, announcement of Crystal Palace deeds and user interface update.
MindArk Q&A Speculation
MindArk conducts public Q&A session, suspected auction and society interface update. Hunting, mining, crafting & space updates.
New PED Earning Site
A new item trading and PED earning web site recently become publicly available. Like many earning websites, you can complete tasks to earn PED.
Cyrene Delay In Update
The latest version update has been delayed on Cyrene, but expect the revamping of the entire starter experience on planet Cyrene and mentoring armour to come soon.
Toulan New Tokens And New Weapons
New Toulan Mirsal Token which will be utilised for various activities, an overall step by step fix to Toulan's beginner experience, and vibrant sweat has been added to the CUHOF Keys Blueprints.
Arkadia Moon Updates
At the end of January a total of "54,209" out of the original "200,000" moon deeds are left on the webstore, since then the Arkadia team have focused on content surrounding the moon, introducing quite a few extra hunting missions and story.
Crystal Palace Shares
Currently the prices of the shares are set to cost 10 PED each during the starting period, and a total of 500,000 share are up for sale. The fund earned will go to the current land area owner "Buzz Erik Lightyear".
Events In 2019
10 Years Analysis Of The Animal Oil Market
The current cost of construction is very low in almost all of the animal oil markets, and most of the commonly used animal oils have been very stable at a low cost for bulk amounts for years.

VU17: Tiering and enhancers update in December
In the upcoming update several changes and improvements will be made to the item tiering and enhancers systems to make it cheaper and easier to use.
VU17: Graphical update in December
The current cost of construction is very low in almost all of the animal oil markets, and most of the commonly used animal oils have been very stable at a low cost for bulk amounts for years.

VU17: Tiering and enhancers update in December
In the upcoming update several changes and improvements will be made to the item tiering and enhancers systems to make it cheaper and easier to use.
VU17: Graphical update in December
The upcoming release scheduled for early December will include the biggest visual update since the switch to the CryEngine, this update will greatly improve processing of light and colours.
VU17: DirectX 10 fallback support
In one of the better decision MindArk has made since any of the graphical updates is the back support for systems with hardware not compatible with Direct X 11.
VU17: Gameplay Updates
Some less well known updates to the game play elements have been added in the version update along with the graphical update and the new tool tier system.
Codex Released and Shares Trading
Today the citizens were handed a new Codex system today containing information on the creatures they have killed, along with a new ranking system based on contribution.
Toxic Swamp Gas
The Calamusoids are a mutant species, reminiscence of the Omegaton Corporation's DNA testing on select immigrants to planet Calypso in the earlier eras.
Alien Creatures In Space Transport Crash On Calypso
A cargo ship was forced into making an emergency landing near west of Minopolis today with cargo which is deemed dangerous for the ecosystem by the Colonial Xenobiology Institute.
Update from the Colonial Xenobiology Institute
The Colonial Xenobiology Institute has reported on the update of the locations of the Daspletor and Cornoanterion that are slowly damaging the ecosystem.
With The Migration Season Over...
The Longtooth and the mighty Eomon have completed their voyage across the plains of the Eudorian continent on Calypso once again, and now many hunters will now return to their usual pray.
The New Mission System
This week MindArk announced that in this years third quarter there will be a massive mission system overhaul, implementing a whole new mission system.
Calypso Wildlife In A Violent Rage
For over a month now the planet’s creatures have been exposed to the potent Eomon pheromone, these pheromones are known by scientist to be strength inducing.
The Eomon And The Mul
Peak pheromone activity have been detected at the Calypso Defence Force monitoring stations at Oseres, Nymphtown and Fort Ithaca.
Catch up on 2019 (First Quarter)
Deep token project dropped by MindArk, Swedish loot box law changes, announcement of Crystal Palace deeds and user interface update.
MindArk Q&A Speculation
MindArk conducts public Q&A session, suspected auction and society interface update. Hunting, mining, crafting & space updates.
New PED Earning Site
A new item trading and PED earning web site recently become publicly available. Like many earning websites, you can complete tasks to earn PED.
Cyrene Delay In Update
The latest version update has been delayed on Cyrene, but expect the revamping of the entire starter experience on planet Cyrene and mentoring armour to come soon.
Toulan New Tokens And New Weapons
New Toulan Mirsal Token which will be utilised for various activities, an overall step by step fix to Toulan's beginner experience, and vibrant sweat has been added to the CUHOF Keys Blueprints.
Arkadia Moon Updates
At the end of January a total of "54,209" out of the original "200,000" moon deeds are left on the webstore, since then the Arkadia team have focused on content surrounding the moon, introducing quite a few extra hunting missions and story.
Crystal Palace Shares
Currently the prices of the shares are set to cost 10 PED each during the starting period, and a total of 500,000 share are up for sale. The fund earned will go to the current land area owner "Buzz Erik Lightyear".
VU17: DirectX 10 fallback support
In one of the better decision MindArk has made since any of the graphical updates is the back support for systems with hardware not compatible with Direct X 11.
VU17: Gameplay Updates
Some less well known updates to the game play elements have been added in the version update along with the graphical update and the new tool tier system.
Codex Released and Shares Trading
Today the citizens were handed a new Codex system today containing information on the creatures they have killed, along with a new ranking system based on contribution.
Toxic Swamp Gas
The Calamusoids are a mutant species, reminiscence of the Omegaton Corporation's DNA testing on select immigrants to planet Calypso in the earlier eras.
Alien Creatures In Space Transport Crash On Calypso
A cargo ship was forced into making an emergency landing near west of Minopolis today with cargo which is deemed dangerous for the ecosystem by the Colonial Xenobiology Institute.
Update from the Colonial Xenobiology Institute
The Colonial Xenobiology Institute has reported on the update of the locations of the Daspletor and Cornoanterion that are slowly damaging the ecosystem.
With The Migration Season Over...
The Longtooth and the mighty Eomon have completed their voyage across the plains of the Eudorian continent on Calypso once again, and now many hunters will now return to their usual pray.
The New Mission System
This week MindArk announced that in this years third quarter there will be a massive mission system overhaul, implementing a whole new mission system.
Calypso Wildlife In A Violent Rage
For over a month now the planet’s creatures have been exposed to the potent Eomon pheromone, these pheromones are known by scientist to be strength inducing.
The Eomon And The Mul
Peak pheromone activity have been detected at the Calypso Defence Force monitoring stations at Oseres, Nymphtown and Fort Ithaca.
Catch up on 2019 (First Quarter)
Deep token project dropped by MindArk, Swedish loot box law changes, announcement of Crystal Palace deeds and user interface update.
MindArk Q&A Speculation
MindArk conducts public Q&A session, suspected auction and society interface update. Hunting, mining, crafting & space updates.
New PED Earning Site
A new item trading and PED earning web site recently become publicly available. Like many earning websites, you can complete tasks to earn PED.
Cyrene Delay In Update
The latest version update has been delayed on Cyrene, but expect the revamping of the entire starter experience on planet Cyrene and mentoring armour to come soon.
Toulan New Tokens And New Weapons
New Toulan Mirsal Token which will be utilised for various activities, an overall step by step fix to Toulan's beginner experience, and vibrant sweat has been added to the CUHOF Keys Blueprints.
Arkadia Moon Updates
At the end of January a total of "54,209" out of the original "200,000" moon deeds are left on the webstore, since then the Arkadia team have focused on content surrounding the moon, introducing quite a few extra hunting missions and story.
Crystal Palace Shares
Currently the prices of the shares are set to cost 10 PED each during the starting period, and a total of 500,000 share are up for sale. The fund earned will go to the current land area owner "Buzz Erik Lightyear".
Events In 2019
It’s that time once again for Planet Calypso’s annual winter hunting event, Merry Mayhem!
The event is already underway and the areas are open ready waiting for you!
It’s that time once again for Planet Calypso’s annual winter hunting event, Merry Mayhem!
The event is already underway and the areas are open ready waiting for you!
July & August
The Mul mutants on Calypso aggressive behaviour during their seasonal rituals have been suggested to be connected to the rise of Eomon pheromones in the atmosphere by scientists at the Colonial Xenobiological Institute.
The Mul mutants on Calypso aggressive behaviour during their seasonal rituals have been suggested to be connected to the rise of Eomon pheromones in the atmosphere by scientists at the Colonial Xenobiological Institute.
The Research and Development Institute had secured a hackable base matrix node. The Calypso Defence Force needs your help to protect the data interceptor installation!
The Research and Development Institute had secured a hackable base matrix node. The Calypso Defence Force needs your help to protect the data interceptor installation!
Event on Monria: Saint Patrick's day parade and cosmic horror based events.
Event on Calypso: The robots are at it again, after the RDI locating robot data nodes, robots have sent reinforcements to these locations.
Event on Rocktropia: Rocktropia is grabbing PED from people in dungeons and instances for future events.
Event on Monria: Saint Patrick's day parade and cosmic horror based events.
Event on Calypso: The robots are at it again, after the RDI locating robot data nodes, robots have sent reinforcements to these locations.
Event on Rocktropia: Rocktropia is grabbing PED from people in dungeons and instances for future events.
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